Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Yuria Type 100 - ch85 & 86

Volume 11, chapter 85 & 86


  1. Thanks for the new chapters!

  2. Thanks for picking this up man
    Been following this for a few years now

  3. yeah for real, thanks, I was p bummed when that other group dropped this

  4. Thank you very much for taking over the Yuria 100 Shiki series ! I'm grateful :)

    In case you're interested in the thoughts of the one who carried Yuria 100 Shiki on his shoulders previously, I may quote him, it's his reaction when he saw you had completed the volume 10 and 11 was ongoing :
    « Good to see the series lives on.

    I wish all the luck for those carrying on the series. Gari and I are pretty much past the "manga all day and night" phase of our lives, and desire to work on them is all but gone.

    I think scanlation is young men (and women)'s game done by college-age folks. I feel so old now...

    -bigvinny- »

  5. Just finished reading the final translated ch of this series, and I want to say thank you for translating this great series!

    Best of luck and keep up the good work!
